Women's Ministries

The Women's Ministry at RCN is all about, "women reaching women through love, inspiration, encouragement, and fellowship."


Holiday Craft Bazaar

For 2020, Women's Ministries is replacing the annual yard sale with a Craft Bazaar on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 9:00 - 4:00.  If you would be interested in being a vendor and having a booth to sell your own items at the sale, please contact Judy Leonard for more information.  The cost is $50.00 per 6 ft. table & 10’ x 10’ space, or $40.00 per 10’ x 10’ space only (bring your own table.) Please reserve your space soon by filling out the Registration Form  and returning it as soon as possible with your $50.00 or $40.00 fee. Spaces and tables are limited. Registration begins May 15th and ends on October 31st. First come first served. There will be no refunds unless we are closed due to the Coronavirus. 

Loving God's Community

We will start back up as soon as the COVID 19 crisis has passed and gathering is allowed once again. We will get together the second Saturday of each month, from 9-11 am at the church to love God's community through crafts including:

  • Making quilts, blankets, and pillowcases for Children’s Hospital
  • Knit and/or crochet neck scarves for the homeless
  • Bags for the Homeless: Sewing the bags and filling them with necessities and niceties
  • Or, you can bring a project of your choice and come for fellowship and refreshments 

Ladies Night Out

The first Tuesday of every month, the Women's Ministry has a Ladies Night Out at a local restaurant at 6:00. Email Judy Leonard for more information about the next Ladies Night Out!  Will start up again in Spring.

Yearly Activities Include:

  • Ladies High Tea (December)
  • Ladies annual Birthday Party (January) 
  • Ladies Spring Luncheon (May)