Before coming to church:

  • Please take your temperature. If it’s over 100.4°F, you need to stay home. 
  • If anyone in your household currently has or might have COVID-19, please stay at home.  
  • If you cannot wear a mask due to a health condition, we encourage you to continue worship at home.  

While at Church: 

  • All who attend a live service—whether indoor or outdoors—need to wear a face covering (i.e. mask) before, during, and after the service. Masks will be provided for anyone who does not have one. 
  • Maintain 6 feet of distance between yourself and anyone from outside your household. 
  • If you start feeling sick while at church and you need help, please let someone on the leadership team know, and you will be provided with help. 

To be Aware of:

  • Offerings plates will not be passed during services. Rather, an offering drop box will be placed on a table by the exit door from the sanctuary. 
  • When communion is served, the elements will be distributed to each participant by an usher wearing gloves. Participants will not be served from a common basket or tray.
  • Ceiling fans will be used to increase circulation of the air and we will see about opening windows for increased ventilation.  

Welcome back protocols

Watch this fun video to learn what church will be like as we begin to meet again in person.